Blog Post #20 - Make LOA Into A Game
Hey, it's Andrew, otherwise known as that guy who wrote "The Last Law of Attraction Book You'll Ever Need To Read," and today I want to share with you an approach for boosting your imagination and sticking with your daily manifestation routine once and for all.
If you read “The Last Law of Attraction Book You’ll Ever Need To Read” you'll remember that I devoted one of the later chapters specifically to strategies for sticking with a healthy routine of doing just a few minutes a day of any of the manifestation methods that I teach. And obviously, a huge part of staying consistent is in enjoying what you’re doing each day. That's what today's post is about. Making it fun.
Keep in mind as I describe this for you -- this is all about leveraging your creativity and your imagination in order to speed up your manifestations. And when you get your imagination in the mix, that’s when things really start to happen for you in your physical reality as well. Because that’s what prompts your subconscious mind to become a beacon and broadcast the perfect signal for matching what you want without you even having to intentionally think about it.
In fact, one of the coolest things about this strategy in particular is that through its use, you'll end up firing literally trillions of extra neurons during your visualizations -- which as you now know, will make your vibrational frequency exponentially more magnetic.
I often tell people who I work with directly that when you really want to connect with the universal mind and attract your deepest desires, the incredible power of your creative imagination, when used in the right way, is nearly unmatched.
So as I describe this strategy for you, please be sure that you don’t underestimate it! It's way more effective than you realize. And you’re about to unlock even more power and potential than you were ever expecting.
Now the premise of what we’re really doing here is pretty simple. We already know that the law of attraction works. We know that like attracts like. We know that what you focus on expands. And that whatever you most intently put your attention on automatically draws like energy toward you to become your actual physical reality.
The only question left is in how do we motivate ourselves to consistently put our focus on what we want -- even if for just a few minutes each day. And as you’re about to see, gamesmanship (or really game theory), can serve as a wonderful tool for using human nature and psychology to easily accomplish this.
And so today's strategy for being more consistent and sticking with a daily routine of enjoying the manifestation methods that I teach -- is to literally treat this like a game.
Now what do I mean by that? A few things actually.
First off, you want to literally imagine all of this as a game that you’re playing ...and that the person you’re playing against is a version of you who doesn’t want to change. YOU get points for thinking about what you want and THEY get points when you think about what you don’t want. Now how does this affect your decisions?
For starters, when you know it’s only a game, you understand that it doesn’t have to be perfectly played in order for you to win. You accept the fact that thoughts of what you don’t want will sometimes enter the picture. That’s just the way it goes.
But you also have a plan of action to offset those negative thoughts: You’ll simply use the methods that I teach in my book to score more points than your opponent.
And the best part is that you don’t even have to work hard to gain the lead in the game. Since positive thoughts are way more powerful than negative ones, every positive thought you have will score more for you than negative thoughts will for your opponent.
And it just gets way easier because now you get to make this a competition where the objectives are clear, the rules are fair, and the path to victory is right in front of you.
Think of this as a competition where you’re simply being tested on different levels, one after another. And you overcome each test by using the methods in my book to focus on what you want.
With this approach, if you experience a setback, this no longer means “it’s never going to happen” for you. It simply means you’re up to your final test before you get to jump up a level in the game. It’s now much easier to stay in the right frame of mind and stick with things -- which again, really only means pushing forward, staying confident, and just doing any one of the methods each day for just a few minutes to boost your vibrational frequency and magnetically attract what you want.
Then, this gets a little deeper, and the real fun begins because now you get to choose your own point system. It’s all up to you. So, for example, if there’s a technique that you intellectually know is going to be very helpful, but it also takes some getting used to, you can assign it more “points” as a motivator to try it out for a couple of days.
Maybe you get a certain number of points trying out a new technique for the first time without even knowing if you’ll like it or not.
And if you want to go even deeper than just points on their own, Maybe you can even build rewards into your point system as well.
So for example, you can do one or two techniques for ten days straight and keep marking them off on a huge calendar that you put on your wall. And Once you hit the 10-day mark or 20 days or even just 5 -- whatever number you choose, you then can go ahead and reward yourself in some way. Whether that’s treating yourself to a meal at your favorite restaurant or buying something you’ve wanted for awhile, or getting a massage or whatever makes you happy.
And then you can try to beat your current record, keep running with it, and see if you can take it to 25 consecutive days. And then 30. Rewarding yourself along the way, and always marking off your progress so you can see how well you’re really doing with this.
Miss a day, and you have to start all over like it’s the first stage in a video game. But the really cool thing here is that the way the Universe sees it, you’re already at a much higher level because even just 2-3 days of doing this has already positively adjusted your frequency in subtle ways that you might not even notice right away.
So as you craft the rules of this game, you can also build huge milestones into it. 100 straight days should be a really special one where you do something for yourself that you’ve always wanted, but kept putting off for some reason. I’m talking something REALLY special. And really let your imagination soar. You should even Allow yourself to consider the real possibility of a 1000-day milestone! Imagine where you’ll actually be in your life after 1000 days of doing this -- imagine what kind of position you’ll be in and how many options you’ll have for rewarding yourself in a really special way.
Remember, right now, at the very beginning of all of this, even if you’re enjoying the methods, it’s easy to let you ego take the wheel and to allow yourself to see this as some cumbersome obligation that you’re stuck with -- but like I talked about in the beginning of my book, this turns into a daily spoonful of body-toning ice cream once you give yourself a little time to really enjoy the taste of it.
And There are even more ways of using this game theory approach to your advantage.
Because just as you can view this as a competition between you and the version of you who doesn’t want to change, where the points came on good thoughts vs. bad ones, you can also make it a face-off based on who has the best record of whether a method was done for just a few minutes a day or not? Do you have more consecutive days of doing the techniques? Or do they have more consecutive days of you NOT doing the techniques?
And if you have a friend who’s also read my book and understands why doing this each day is so important, you can make it a competition with them instead.
If you both do what you’re supposed to, nobody will ever “lose” to the other because you’ll both be sticking with it.
But you can also build in incentives or deterrents. First person to hit 30 days straight is treated to dinner by the other. Or first person to miss a day owes the other one $20. Or maybe they owe $20 for EACH day they EVER skip. Maybe a different amount than $20, depending on your financial situation.
You want an amount that’s JUST painful enough that you’ll stick with a daily routine, but not so painful that it’ll ruin your life if you don’t get momentum right away.
And it doesn’t only have to be about who has the most days or who misses more than the other. Maybe the competition between you and your friend could be of who can spot the most “raindrops” or clues from the Universe that things are finally starting to come together for them, and write them down and report them to the other. It could be a think where you see a raindrop, you text the other person. And the more you notice those rain drops, the more you get, so this can really be something that takes off for you right away.
The possibilities are endless!
But you know what? Let’s take this even DEEPER. What if this is more than simply a situation of you “treating” it like a game? What if this entire reality actually IS a game, and until this moment you didn’t even realize you were a player in it?
If you allowed yourself to start thinking this way, you’d then remember that per the Law of Attraction -- it’s your thoughts and feelings that control your results. So you’d see your thoughts and feelings as a way to score more points, which is a much lighter point of view than feeling like they’re something that you constantly have to worry about doing all day.
After all, you don’t spend the whole day scoring points in a video game, do you? Even if you were playing it the entire day, not every part of it includes points in the gameplay. It’s not supposed to! The same goes for real life.
So you wouldn’t feel this impossible weight on your shoulders of ALWAYS having to think good thoughts. You would instead simply commit to using the techniques as tools for helping you score points whenever you can, and you’d then easily win the game.
Getting back to the idea of a point system that YOU get to make the rules for, you could assign a certain number of points for gratitude, a certain number for scripting, ...maybe some bonus points for one of the meditations.
And then you’d dive in and begin racking up points every single day. Reward yourself for milestones like 1000 points, 5000 points, or whatever makes the most sense.
As long as you’re enjoying the “game” -- and as long as points are a fun way to motivate you -- it makes the most sense to really go as deep with this as you can.
Also, after figuring out which method you genuinely enjoy the most, you could make that your biggest point earner. If that seems counterintuitive, remember this is all about winning through a mindset of abundance. Which means in THIS game, you score higher for having more fun. So of course you’re going to reward yourself more for the methods you enjoy the most. Because That’s what the Universe is doing for you already! It knows to give you reasons to be happy WHEN you’re already happy. So naturally, the manifestation method that you enjoy more is going to be worth more points! You ARE playing to win, right?
And as a player in this little “game” that we call reality, you need to remember that there’s more power and potential within you than you could ever imagine. You’re SO much more than you think you are. These “points” that you “collect” every day are REAL. They have an actual impact on your life, which is great news since they’re so easy to “earn.”
So do a technique and add points to your score. It’s that easy. But if you REALLY want those points to be even bigger, you’ll need to think a little more adventurously and suspend your disbelief long enough to give this a real shot.
Similar to the walking meditation that I described in my book, you need to “get into character” and see yourself as the player that you truly are. It’s technically not a lie. You really are a player. And this really is a “game” with rules, conditions, goals, and results. You’ve just been conditioned for so long to see it differently.
But you really want to suspend disbelief and embody it all the way ...because when it’s a more immersive experience, you earn way more “points” way more easily -- and you manifest results way more quickly.
After all, when you go see “The Avengers,” you don’t stand up in the middle of the movie and scream, “Hey! That’s NOT Iron Man! ...That’s actor Robert Downey Jr.!” You’re too caught up in everything that you’re seeing to do that. You’re having a genuine emotional experience because (regardless of what you consciously understand) according to your subconscious mind, Iron Man really is there duking it out with Thanos.
You can “play the game” in this same way. Immerse yourself in it. Go all in. Rack up higher and higher scores. Make your mind a playground for great things, and great things will be on the way.
Really reach for the stars on this one. Don’t be just ‘any’ player. Be THE player. Dive deep into the methods like they’re a mission to be completed (but make sure you’re having fun while you do it!).
Earn enough “experience” points” to earn a rank of “Grandmaster” (or some other title that really resonates with you). Focus on being creative, having fun, and doing cool things.
Imagine that an apprentice came to you for guidance and they needed you to come up with a Law of Attraction “action plan” using the manifestation methods in this book. Make that plan for THEM from YOUR perspective of being a true master at this. Choose days for scripting, days for gratitude, and days for walking meditations. Then use the plan ...for yourself.
Step up into that role of actually being a master at this -- being a teacher and a leader and a guide that could help anyone. And then keep playing the game from this new perspective to help yourself. You deserve it -- Points or no points.
That’s how you play it like a game, and that’s how you invite an even better reality into your life.
Have fun. Because remember's only a game. ;-)
Grateful for you,
If you read “The Last Law of Attraction Book You’ll Ever Need To Read” you'll remember that I devoted one of the later chapters specifically to strategies for sticking with a healthy routine of doing just a few minutes a day of any of the manifestation methods that I teach. And obviously, a huge part of staying consistent is in enjoying what you’re doing each day. That's what today's post is about. Making it fun.
Keep in mind as I describe this for you -- this is all about leveraging your creativity and your imagination in order to speed up your manifestations. And when you get your imagination in the mix, that’s when things really start to happen for you in your physical reality as well. Because that’s what prompts your subconscious mind to become a beacon and broadcast the perfect signal for matching what you want without you even having to intentionally think about it.
In fact, one of the coolest things about this strategy in particular is that through its use, you'll end up firing literally trillions of extra neurons during your visualizations -- which as you now know, will make your vibrational frequency exponentially more magnetic.
I often tell people who I work with directly that when you really want to connect with the universal mind and attract your deepest desires, the incredible power of your creative imagination, when used in the right way, is nearly unmatched.
So as I describe this strategy for you, please be sure that you don’t underestimate it! It's way more effective than you realize. And you’re about to unlock even more power and potential than you were ever expecting.
Now the premise of what we’re really doing here is pretty simple. We already know that the law of attraction works. We know that like attracts like. We know that what you focus on expands. And that whatever you most intently put your attention on automatically draws like energy toward you to become your actual physical reality.
The only question left is in how do we motivate ourselves to consistently put our focus on what we want -- even if for just a few minutes each day. And as you’re about to see, gamesmanship (or really game theory), can serve as a wonderful tool for using human nature and psychology to easily accomplish this.
And so today's strategy for being more consistent and sticking with a daily routine of enjoying the manifestation methods that I teach -- is to literally treat this like a game.
Now what do I mean by that? A few things actually.
First off, you want to literally imagine all of this as a game that you’re playing ...and that the person you’re playing against is a version of you who doesn’t want to change. YOU get points for thinking about what you want and THEY get points when you think about what you don’t want. Now how does this affect your decisions?
For starters, when you know it’s only a game, you understand that it doesn’t have to be perfectly played in order for you to win. You accept the fact that thoughts of what you don’t want will sometimes enter the picture. That’s just the way it goes.
But you also have a plan of action to offset those negative thoughts: You’ll simply use the methods that I teach in my book to score more points than your opponent.
And the best part is that you don’t even have to work hard to gain the lead in the game. Since positive thoughts are way more powerful than negative ones, every positive thought you have will score more for you than negative thoughts will for your opponent.
And it just gets way easier because now you get to make this a competition where the objectives are clear, the rules are fair, and the path to victory is right in front of you.
Think of this as a competition where you’re simply being tested on different levels, one after another. And you overcome each test by using the methods in my book to focus on what you want.
With this approach, if you experience a setback, this no longer means “it’s never going to happen” for you. It simply means you’re up to your final test before you get to jump up a level in the game. It’s now much easier to stay in the right frame of mind and stick with things -- which again, really only means pushing forward, staying confident, and just doing any one of the methods each day for just a few minutes to boost your vibrational frequency and magnetically attract what you want.
Then, this gets a little deeper, and the real fun begins because now you get to choose your own point system. It’s all up to you. So, for example, if there’s a technique that you intellectually know is going to be very helpful, but it also takes some getting used to, you can assign it more “points” as a motivator to try it out for a couple of days.
Maybe you get a certain number of points trying out a new technique for the first time without even knowing if you’ll like it or not.
And if you want to go even deeper than just points on their own, Maybe you can even build rewards into your point system as well.
So for example, you can do one or two techniques for ten days straight and keep marking them off on a huge calendar that you put on your wall. And Once you hit the 10-day mark or 20 days or even just 5 -- whatever number you choose, you then can go ahead and reward yourself in some way. Whether that’s treating yourself to a meal at your favorite restaurant or buying something you’ve wanted for awhile, or getting a massage or whatever makes you happy.
And then you can try to beat your current record, keep running with it, and see if you can take it to 25 consecutive days. And then 30. Rewarding yourself along the way, and always marking off your progress so you can see how well you’re really doing with this.
Miss a day, and you have to start all over like it’s the first stage in a video game. But the really cool thing here is that the way the Universe sees it, you’re already at a much higher level because even just 2-3 days of doing this has already positively adjusted your frequency in subtle ways that you might not even notice right away.
So as you craft the rules of this game, you can also build huge milestones into it. 100 straight days should be a really special one where you do something for yourself that you’ve always wanted, but kept putting off for some reason. I’m talking something REALLY special. And really let your imagination soar. You should even Allow yourself to consider the real possibility of a 1000-day milestone! Imagine where you’ll actually be in your life after 1000 days of doing this -- imagine what kind of position you’ll be in and how many options you’ll have for rewarding yourself in a really special way.
Remember, right now, at the very beginning of all of this, even if you’re enjoying the methods, it’s easy to let you ego take the wheel and to allow yourself to see this as some cumbersome obligation that you’re stuck with -- but like I talked about in the beginning of my book, this turns into a daily spoonful of body-toning ice cream once you give yourself a little time to really enjoy the taste of it.
And There are even more ways of using this game theory approach to your advantage.
Because just as you can view this as a competition between you and the version of you who doesn’t want to change, where the points came on good thoughts vs. bad ones, you can also make it a face-off based on who has the best record of whether a method was done for just a few minutes a day or not? Do you have more consecutive days of doing the techniques? Or do they have more consecutive days of you NOT doing the techniques?
And if you have a friend who’s also read my book and understands why doing this each day is so important, you can make it a competition with them instead.
If you both do what you’re supposed to, nobody will ever “lose” to the other because you’ll both be sticking with it.
But you can also build in incentives or deterrents. First person to hit 30 days straight is treated to dinner by the other. Or first person to miss a day owes the other one $20. Or maybe they owe $20 for EACH day they EVER skip. Maybe a different amount than $20, depending on your financial situation.
You want an amount that’s JUST painful enough that you’ll stick with a daily routine, but not so painful that it’ll ruin your life if you don’t get momentum right away.
And it doesn’t only have to be about who has the most days or who misses more than the other. Maybe the competition between you and your friend could be of who can spot the most “raindrops” or clues from the Universe that things are finally starting to come together for them, and write them down and report them to the other. It could be a think where you see a raindrop, you text the other person. And the more you notice those rain drops, the more you get, so this can really be something that takes off for you right away.
The possibilities are endless!
But you know what? Let’s take this even DEEPER. What if this is more than simply a situation of you “treating” it like a game? What if this entire reality actually IS a game, and until this moment you didn’t even realize you were a player in it?
If you allowed yourself to start thinking this way, you’d then remember that per the Law of Attraction -- it’s your thoughts and feelings that control your results. So you’d see your thoughts and feelings as a way to score more points, which is a much lighter point of view than feeling like they’re something that you constantly have to worry about doing all day.
After all, you don’t spend the whole day scoring points in a video game, do you? Even if you were playing it the entire day, not every part of it includes points in the gameplay. It’s not supposed to! The same goes for real life.
So you wouldn’t feel this impossible weight on your shoulders of ALWAYS having to think good thoughts. You would instead simply commit to using the techniques as tools for helping you score points whenever you can, and you’d then easily win the game.
Getting back to the idea of a point system that YOU get to make the rules for, you could assign a certain number of points for gratitude, a certain number for scripting, ...maybe some bonus points for one of the meditations.
And then you’d dive in and begin racking up points every single day. Reward yourself for milestones like 1000 points, 5000 points, or whatever makes the most sense.
As long as you’re enjoying the “game” -- and as long as points are a fun way to motivate you -- it makes the most sense to really go as deep with this as you can.
Also, after figuring out which method you genuinely enjoy the most, you could make that your biggest point earner. If that seems counterintuitive, remember this is all about winning through a mindset of abundance. Which means in THIS game, you score higher for having more fun. So of course you’re going to reward yourself more for the methods you enjoy the most. Because That’s what the Universe is doing for you already! It knows to give you reasons to be happy WHEN you’re already happy. So naturally, the manifestation method that you enjoy more is going to be worth more points! You ARE playing to win, right?
And as a player in this little “game” that we call reality, you need to remember that there’s more power and potential within you than you could ever imagine. You’re SO much more than you think you are. These “points” that you “collect” every day are REAL. They have an actual impact on your life, which is great news since they’re so easy to “earn.”
So do a technique and add points to your score. It’s that easy. But if you REALLY want those points to be even bigger, you’ll need to think a little more adventurously and suspend your disbelief long enough to give this a real shot.
Similar to the walking meditation that I described in my book, you need to “get into character” and see yourself as the player that you truly are. It’s technically not a lie. You really are a player. And this really is a “game” with rules, conditions, goals, and results. You’ve just been conditioned for so long to see it differently.
But you really want to suspend disbelief and embody it all the way ...because when it’s a more immersive experience, you earn way more “points” way more easily -- and you manifest results way more quickly.
After all, when you go see “The Avengers,” you don’t stand up in the middle of the movie and scream, “Hey! That’s NOT Iron Man! ...That’s actor Robert Downey Jr.!” You’re too caught up in everything that you’re seeing to do that. You’re having a genuine emotional experience because (regardless of what you consciously understand) according to your subconscious mind, Iron Man really is there duking it out with Thanos.
You can “play the game” in this same way. Immerse yourself in it. Go all in. Rack up higher and higher scores. Make your mind a playground for great things, and great things will be on the way.
Really reach for the stars on this one. Don’t be just ‘any’ player. Be THE player. Dive deep into the methods like they’re a mission to be completed (but make sure you’re having fun while you do it!).
Earn enough “experience” points” to earn a rank of “Grandmaster” (or some other title that really resonates with you). Focus on being creative, having fun, and doing cool things.
Imagine that an apprentice came to you for guidance and they needed you to come up with a Law of Attraction “action plan” using the manifestation methods in this book. Make that plan for THEM from YOUR perspective of being a true master at this. Choose days for scripting, days for gratitude, and days for walking meditations. Then use the plan ...for yourself.
Step up into that role of actually being a master at this -- being a teacher and a leader and a guide that could help anyone. And then keep playing the game from this new perspective to help yourself. You deserve it -- Points or no points.
That’s how you play it like a game, and that’s how you invite an even better reality into your life.
Have fun. Because remember's only a game. ;-)
Grateful for you,
Andrew Kap holds one goal above all others through his various projects: Genuine and Sustainable Impact. He often focuses on topics that many find overwhelming, and he then condenses them into actionable, more consumable content.
His latest offering, “The Last Law of Attraction Book You’ll Ever Need To Read” offers readers a never-before-seen understanding of the topic — that no other “LOA” book has ever been able to do — by going the extra mile of finally addressing WHY people who get excited about trying it still can’t manage to get in the habit of using these methods for just five minutes a day.
The book has enjoyed continued success, including thousands of 5-star rave reviews, #1 Best Seller status in multiple categories on Amazon, and a growing YouTube channel devoted to it.
Andrew is currently based in New York, where he publishes new content daily.
Andrew Kap holds one goal above all others through his various projects: Genuine and Sustainable Impact. He often focuses on topics that many find overwhelming, and he then condenses them into actionable, more consumable content.
His latest offering, “The Last Law of Attraction Book You’ll Ever Need To Read” offers readers a never-before-seen understanding of the topic — that no other “LOA” book has ever been able to do — by going the extra mile of finally addressing WHY people who get excited about trying it still can’t manage to get in the habit of using these methods for just five minutes a day.
The book has enjoyed continued success, including thousands of 5-star rave reviews, #1 Best Seller status in multiple categories on Amazon, and a growing YouTube channel devoted to it.
Andrew is currently based in New York, where he publishes new content daily.
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