Blog Post #19 - The Magic Mirror
Hey, it's Andrew, otherwise known as that guy who wrote "The Last Law of Attraction Book You'll Ever Need To Read," and today I've got an awesome new manifestation method I want to share with you.
If you read my "Diamonds And The Law of Attraction" Blog post, you already know that that your self-esteem is not for sale, despite the endless push of marketing messages that have been forced on you your entire life through Television, Movies, Magazines, and then more indirectly and unintentionally by parents, teachers, and other authority figures.
And now anytime you’re compelled to take action in your life, you can more easily tell the difference between whether you’re doing something that will actually make you happy OR whether you’re instead doing it to live up to some false invalid standard that you didn’t even realize you had been reaching for until now.
And with that new insight under your belt, you're ready to embrace the fact that you’ve always truly been worthy of all the things you’ve ever wanted. And you can finally understand that no mistakes of the past could ever negate any new and better choices you make moving forward -- nor could they ever erase the fact that you really are a good enough person who truly does deserve to be happy, successful, and fulfilled in your life, and how you’re free to always treat yourself unconditional kindness.
So you're now free to dispense with any lingering excuses you may have been giving yourself as to why until now, you couldn’t have what you want.
And now you know that all of those excuses are nothing more than lies or illusions -- figments of your ego’s overactive imagination -- which you can now clearly recognize anytime you ever catch yourself feeling unworthy of what you want in any little way.
And so it's now clear that the law of attraction works for you just as well as anyone else. You can embrace the truth that the Universe isn’t going out of its way to exclude you from any of the results and manifestations that you’re looking for.
And anytime thoughts like those even begin to creep into your head, you can just chalk it up to your ego injecting as much doubt and uncertainty as it can to keep you off balance, and therefore, exactly where you are right now in life -- since after all - right now, you’re alive, and that’s all the ego really cares about.
And so we’re finally ready to begin making a better choice and taking healthier action.
And all of this begins with a simple, easy little exercise...
You see, despite all the new awarenesses that you’ve been given, you’re unfortunately still very used to things the way they currently are.
Your discomfort has become familiar, and therefore comfortable to you on a certain level. You’re addicted to your struggle on a certain level.
At least, parts of you are addicted.
Biology is biology. Hormones are hormones. And the chemicals that your brain produces are often based off of previously established patterns.
This is why it’s so much easier at times to feel lost or confused or uncertain. It’s because prior experiences have caused you to feel that way in the past, and your brain got more used to producing the chemicals that match that response.
The good news is that you can change old patterns way easier than you might think as long as you’re just a LITTLE consistent. That’s why I’m always reminding you to do at least one manifestation method every day -- it’s precisely the thing that will prompt your brain to produce chemicals to elicit a happier more confident more fulfilled state of mind, and then everything else comes together for you from there.
But sometimes you need to get things going in the right direction with a bit of a stronger initial push.
You need something just different and dramatic and even weird and unfamiliar enough to jar you out of your hold pattern and create more space both emotionally and intellectually to begin living in a happier and more successful way and really being able to grow into a more fulfilled state of being.
This brings us to what I like to call The Mirror Release Method. It’s not a law of attraction or manifestation technique per se, but it is a powerful emotional method for resetting a few misbehaving patterns in your mind (and switching them to a healthier default).
Before I even explain what to do or how to do it, I want to set your mind at ease right now, because I already know you might begin to doubt whether you’re doing it right or if things are happening the way they’re supposed to or if you’re missing a step or if you need to perfectly feel a certain way for this to be effective or anything else along those lines.
So here’s the thing of it -- the way to know whether you’re doing it right and whether you’ve made a real choice and whether you’ve signaled a genuine change -- the way to do any and all of this -- is in whether or not you simply do what I’m about to suggest.
Because you may feel silly doing it. That’s okay as long as you actually do it.
You may feel awkward each time you try it. That’s still okay if you’re actually physically doing it.
You may wonder if you’re really making a new choice here - and the answer is yes as long as you actually perform the physical action I’m about to suggest, which is nothing more than standing in front of a mirror, looking into the eyes of your reflection, and speaking.
Just give up on the attachment to the outcome as you do this -- and simply do it. That’s all you need.
Okay, so here’s the simple instructions for doing this method.
We’re actually going to use this method to change your internal narrative about your life. And once you change that, none of your old your outdated patterns can keep their hold on you.
Step 1 - note all the things about your life that you’d like to change. Pick 5 or 10 or even 20. If you want to make a longer list than that, you can, but I’d recommend starting with no more than 5-20 first.
Okay, you’ve got your little list there. Now Step 2 - write down the belief that holds that reality in place. And if you’re wondering what the specific belief is -- here’s a hint -- it’s a rewording of what you just wrote down.
So for example, let’s say that one of the things you put on your list is that you want more money. Well, this is just another way of saying that you don’t have enough money right now and that money does not come quickly or easily enough to you.
So that’s the belief -- that money is hard to get. That it doesn’t come easily. However you want to word it. If the change that you want is you want more money, then the belief must be that money doesn’t come easily enough for you. Simple as that.
If you want an improvement in your health, then the belief is that your body can’t easily or quickly heal itself completely. That’s a false belief obviously, but it’s one that you’re currently holding onto if improving your health in some specific way made your list.
If you want to meet someone special to be with, you believe on some level that meeting the right match for you is hard, or you’re not attractive or appealing enough or there’s no good men or women out there anymore or you’re too old or you’re too young or you’re too out of shape -- see, if whatever the thing is on your initial list that you want to change, you have come to a certain conclusion about why you don’t have what you want yet. Whatever that reason (or possibly reasons) might be, that’s the limiting belief that you’ve just identified.
So now with your list in hand, you just want to go to your mirror, look yourself straight in the eyes, and say OUT LOUD the words “I’m willing to give up my belief that” and then finish that sentence.
“I’m willing to give up my belief that money doesn’t come quickly or easily to me.”
“I’m willing to give up my belief that finding work in this economy is difficult.”
“I’m willing to give up my belief that nobody could possibly love me.”
“I’m willing to give up my belief that I’m not good enough.”
“I’m willing to give up my belief that it’s too late to find love.”
“I’m willing to give up my belief that it’s too late to meet someone.”
“I’m willing to give up my belief that it’s too late to have kids.”
“I’m willing to give up my belief that my body can’t heal itself completely.”
“I’m willing to give up my belief that nobody likes me.”
“I’m willing to give up my belief that the law of attraction doesn’t work as well for me.”
“I’m willing to give up my belief that it can’t be done.”
“I’m willing to give up my belief that I can’t do it.”
“I’m willing to give up my belief that nobody’s in my corner.”
“I’m willing to give up my belief that the Universe isn’t looking out for me.”
You’ll notice that sometimes there’s only a subtle difference in wording in some of these, and the way you phrase it in your mind is how you should phrase it out loud.
And again, if you’re wondering whether or not this is actually even doing something, if you’re actually changing your mind on this, notice the wording you’re using here.
You’re not saying “I NOW change my belief that…”
Because that has to happen on its own. You can’t force it, so of course it would be reasonable to doubt that.
But the wording I’m giving you here is “I’m WILLING to give up my belief”
Being WILLING to let go is actually more important than anything else because that’s where true change always begins. It loosens up everything for you.
And of course you’re willing to let the belief go -- if someone said they could take away every single limiting belief you have hiding in there, and all you have to do is give your permission, of course you’d say yes.
And that’s what you’re doing here. You’re simply saying yes to giving it up, you’re not actually forcing it out of your mind. And that will then begin to loosen the knots in your subconscious that have been holding onto those old patterns for so long.
And then when you combine this work with all the manifestation methods -- of which you’re doing just one for only a few minutes consistently each day -- things will then begin to change on their own automatically for you.
So just stand in front of the mirror and say the words -- and you ARE making a huge difference that will become more and more obvious to you as you begin attracting and materializing what you want into your physical reality through the manifestation methods you’re using.
Now you can ALSO take this a step further if you want with one extra little step. After you’ve said “I’m willing to let go of the belief that…” then follow the statement with an affirmation of what you want by stating that the opposite of that belief is true.
“I’m willing to give up my belief that it’s too late to find love. I now realize that actually it’s never too late.”
“I’m willing to give up my belief that money does not come easily. I now realize that actually money comes fast in huge waves when it’s welcomed. I see it with people every day.”
“I’m willing to give up my belief that my body can’t heal itself 100%. I now realize that actually, my body is a truly amazing miracle and it can heal anything about itself just as easily as it’s healed scrapes, bumps, and even broken bones in the past.”
And yes, being in front of the mirror as you do this is a huge part of the formula for erasing your old programming. You need to see someone telling this to you, even if it’s you -- because that’s the same pattern your brain is already familiar with for trusting information more than any other kind of source. Trust me on this -- it’s more powerful than you’ll ever realize.
And again, the only potential roadblock here is that you might feel silly. Do this anyway. Do it every day. Keep doing it until it doesn’t feel silly. That’s how and when you know you’re making at truly significant impact.
This is your homework for this week and it will be HUGE for you if you actually do it:
No matter what you’ve got on your plate, as soon you're finished reading this post, I want you to do this mirror exercise for at least ONE of your most limiting beliefs.
If you’re not alone in your house right now, go to the bathroom mirror, close the door, and just whisper it at the very least. But physically say it at some level of real volume.
Remember the formula is:
“I’m willing to give up my belief that…”
Followed by the statement that begins
“I now realize that actually…”
Go dive in and do this for yourself right now, and I’ll talk to you soon. :-)
Grateful for you,
If you read my "Diamonds And The Law of Attraction" Blog post, you already know that that your self-esteem is not for sale, despite the endless push of marketing messages that have been forced on you your entire life through Television, Movies, Magazines, and then more indirectly and unintentionally by parents, teachers, and other authority figures.
And now anytime you’re compelled to take action in your life, you can more easily tell the difference between whether you’re doing something that will actually make you happy OR whether you’re instead doing it to live up to some false invalid standard that you didn’t even realize you had been reaching for until now.
And with that new insight under your belt, you're ready to embrace the fact that you’ve always truly been worthy of all the things you’ve ever wanted. And you can finally understand that no mistakes of the past could ever negate any new and better choices you make moving forward -- nor could they ever erase the fact that you really are a good enough person who truly does deserve to be happy, successful, and fulfilled in your life, and how you’re free to always treat yourself unconditional kindness.
So you're now free to dispense with any lingering excuses you may have been giving yourself as to why until now, you couldn’t have what you want.
And now you know that all of those excuses are nothing more than lies or illusions -- figments of your ego’s overactive imagination -- which you can now clearly recognize anytime you ever catch yourself feeling unworthy of what you want in any little way.
And so it's now clear that the law of attraction works for you just as well as anyone else. You can embrace the truth that the Universe isn’t going out of its way to exclude you from any of the results and manifestations that you’re looking for.
And anytime thoughts like those even begin to creep into your head, you can just chalk it up to your ego injecting as much doubt and uncertainty as it can to keep you off balance, and therefore, exactly where you are right now in life -- since after all - right now, you’re alive, and that’s all the ego really cares about.
And so we’re finally ready to begin making a better choice and taking healthier action.
And all of this begins with a simple, easy little exercise...
You see, despite all the new awarenesses that you’ve been given, you’re unfortunately still very used to things the way they currently are.
Your discomfort has become familiar, and therefore comfortable to you on a certain level. You’re addicted to your struggle on a certain level.
At least, parts of you are addicted.
Biology is biology. Hormones are hormones. And the chemicals that your brain produces are often based off of previously established patterns.
This is why it’s so much easier at times to feel lost or confused or uncertain. It’s because prior experiences have caused you to feel that way in the past, and your brain got more used to producing the chemicals that match that response.
The good news is that you can change old patterns way easier than you might think as long as you’re just a LITTLE consistent. That’s why I’m always reminding you to do at least one manifestation method every day -- it’s precisely the thing that will prompt your brain to produce chemicals to elicit a happier more confident more fulfilled state of mind, and then everything else comes together for you from there.
But sometimes you need to get things going in the right direction with a bit of a stronger initial push.
You need something just different and dramatic and even weird and unfamiliar enough to jar you out of your hold pattern and create more space both emotionally and intellectually to begin living in a happier and more successful way and really being able to grow into a more fulfilled state of being.
This brings us to what I like to call The Mirror Release Method. It’s not a law of attraction or manifestation technique per se, but it is a powerful emotional method for resetting a few misbehaving patterns in your mind (and switching them to a healthier default).
Before I even explain what to do or how to do it, I want to set your mind at ease right now, because I already know you might begin to doubt whether you’re doing it right or if things are happening the way they’re supposed to or if you’re missing a step or if you need to perfectly feel a certain way for this to be effective or anything else along those lines.
So here’s the thing of it -- the way to know whether you’re doing it right and whether you’ve made a real choice and whether you’ve signaled a genuine change -- the way to do any and all of this -- is in whether or not you simply do what I’m about to suggest.
Because you may feel silly doing it. That’s okay as long as you actually do it.
You may feel awkward each time you try it. That’s still okay if you’re actually physically doing it.
You may wonder if you’re really making a new choice here - and the answer is yes as long as you actually perform the physical action I’m about to suggest, which is nothing more than standing in front of a mirror, looking into the eyes of your reflection, and speaking.
Just give up on the attachment to the outcome as you do this -- and simply do it. That’s all you need.
Okay, so here’s the simple instructions for doing this method.
We’re actually going to use this method to change your internal narrative about your life. And once you change that, none of your old your outdated patterns can keep their hold on you.
Step 1 - note all the things about your life that you’d like to change. Pick 5 or 10 or even 20. If you want to make a longer list than that, you can, but I’d recommend starting with no more than 5-20 first.
Okay, you’ve got your little list there. Now Step 2 - write down the belief that holds that reality in place. And if you’re wondering what the specific belief is -- here’s a hint -- it’s a rewording of what you just wrote down.
So for example, let’s say that one of the things you put on your list is that you want more money. Well, this is just another way of saying that you don’t have enough money right now and that money does not come quickly or easily enough to you.
So that’s the belief -- that money is hard to get. That it doesn’t come easily. However you want to word it. If the change that you want is you want more money, then the belief must be that money doesn’t come easily enough for you. Simple as that.
If you want an improvement in your health, then the belief is that your body can’t easily or quickly heal itself completely. That’s a false belief obviously, but it’s one that you’re currently holding onto if improving your health in some specific way made your list.
If you want to meet someone special to be with, you believe on some level that meeting the right match for you is hard, or you’re not attractive or appealing enough or there’s no good men or women out there anymore or you’re too old or you’re too young or you’re too out of shape -- see, if whatever the thing is on your initial list that you want to change, you have come to a certain conclusion about why you don’t have what you want yet. Whatever that reason (or possibly reasons) might be, that’s the limiting belief that you’ve just identified.
So now with your list in hand, you just want to go to your mirror, look yourself straight in the eyes, and say OUT LOUD the words “I’m willing to give up my belief that” and then finish that sentence.
“I’m willing to give up my belief that money doesn’t come quickly or easily to me.”
“I’m willing to give up my belief that finding work in this economy is difficult.”
“I’m willing to give up my belief that nobody could possibly love me.”
“I’m willing to give up my belief that I’m not good enough.”
“I’m willing to give up my belief that it’s too late to find love.”
“I’m willing to give up my belief that it’s too late to meet someone.”
“I’m willing to give up my belief that it’s too late to have kids.”
“I’m willing to give up my belief that my body can’t heal itself completely.”
“I’m willing to give up my belief that nobody likes me.”
“I’m willing to give up my belief that the law of attraction doesn’t work as well for me.”
“I’m willing to give up my belief that it can’t be done.”
“I’m willing to give up my belief that I can’t do it.”
“I’m willing to give up my belief that nobody’s in my corner.”
“I’m willing to give up my belief that the Universe isn’t looking out for me.”
You’ll notice that sometimes there’s only a subtle difference in wording in some of these, and the way you phrase it in your mind is how you should phrase it out loud.
And again, if you’re wondering whether or not this is actually even doing something, if you’re actually changing your mind on this, notice the wording you’re using here.
You’re not saying “I NOW change my belief that…”
Because that has to happen on its own. You can’t force it, so of course it would be reasonable to doubt that.
But the wording I’m giving you here is “I’m WILLING to give up my belief”
Being WILLING to let go is actually more important than anything else because that’s where true change always begins. It loosens up everything for you.
And of course you’re willing to let the belief go -- if someone said they could take away every single limiting belief you have hiding in there, and all you have to do is give your permission, of course you’d say yes.
And that’s what you’re doing here. You’re simply saying yes to giving it up, you’re not actually forcing it out of your mind. And that will then begin to loosen the knots in your subconscious that have been holding onto those old patterns for so long.
And then when you combine this work with all the manifestation methods -- of which you’re doing just one for only a few minutes consistently each day -- things will then begin to change on their own automatically for you.
So just stand in front of the mirror and say the words -- and you ARE making a huge difference that will become more and more obvious to you as you begin attracting and materializing what you want into your physical reality through the manifestation methods you’re using.
Now you can ALSO take this a step further if you want with one extra little step. After you’ve said “I’m willing to let go of the belief that…” then follow the statement with an affirmation of what you want by stating that the opposite of that belief is true.
“I’m willing to give up my belief that it’s too late to find love. I now realize that actually it’s never too late.”
“I’m willing to give up my belief that money does not come easily. I now realize that actually money comes fast in huge waves when it’s welcomed. I see it with people every day.”
“I’m willing to give up my belief that my body can’t heal itself 100%. I now realize that actually, my body is a truly amazing miracle and it can heal anything about itself just as easily as it’s healed scrapes, bumps, and even broken bones in the past.”
And yes, being in front of the mirror as you do this is a huge part of the formula for erasing your old programming. You need to see someone telling this to you, even if it’s you -- because that’s the same pattern your brain is already familiar with for trusting information more than any other kind of source. Trust me on this -- it’s more powerful than you’ll ever realize.
And again, the only potential roadblock here is that you might feel silly. Do this anyway. Do it every day. Keep doing it until it doesn’t feel silly. That’s how and when you know you’re making at truly significant impact.
This is your homework for this week and it will be HUGE for you if you actually do it:
No matter what you’ve got on your plate, as soon you're finished reading this post, I want you to do this mirror exercise for at least ONE of your most limiting beliefs.
If you’re not alone in your house right now, go to the bathroom mirror, close the door, and just whisper it at the very least. But physically say it at some level of real volume.
Remember the formula is:
“I’m willing to give up my belief that…”
Followed by the statement that begins
“I now realize that actually…”
Go dive in and do this for yourself right now, and I’ll talk to you soon. :-)
Grateful for you,
Andrew Kap holds one goal above all others through his various projects: Genuine and Sustainable Impact. He often focuses on topics that many find overwhelming, and he then condenses them into actionable, more consumable content.
His latest offering, “The Last Law of Attraction Book You’ll Ever Need To Read” offers readers a never-before-seen understanding of the topic — that no other “LOA” book has ever been able to do — by going the extra mile of finally addressing WHY people who get excited about trying it still can’t manage to get in the habit of using these methods for just five minutes a day.
The book has enjoyed continued success, including thousands of 5-star rave reviews, #1 Best Seller status in multiple categories on Amazon, and a growing YouTube channel devoted to it.
Andrew is currently based in New York, where he publishes new content daily.
Andrew Kap holds one goal above all others through his various projects: Genuine and Sustainable Impact. He often focuses on topics that many find overwhelming, and he then condenses them into actionable, more consumable content.
His latest offering, “The Last Law of Attraction Book You’ll Ever Need To Read” offers readers a never-before-seen understanding of the topic — that no other “LOA” book has ever been able to do — by going the extra mile of finally addressing WHY people who get excited about trying it still can’t manage to get in the habit of using these methods for just five minutes a day.
The book has enjoyed continued success, including thousands of 5-star rave reviews, #1 Best Seller status in multiple categories on Amazon, and a growing YouTube channel devoted to it.
Andrew is currently based in New York, where he publishes new content daily.
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