Blog Post #15 - The Universe Loves Speed
Hey, it's Andrew, otherwise known as that guy who wrote "The Last Law of Attraction Book You'll Ever Need To Read," and today, I've got a very important message I want to share with you:
“The Universe Loves Speed.”
I’ll tell you, I actually heard that statement a long, long time ago. And at first I didn’t really understand what it truly meant. At the time, I was just starting my journey to learn about the law of attraction, and how the universe around me really worked.
I was reading tons of books about it, and I was finding countless articles online, and I was spending a lot of time scouring through endless videos, some of which were genuinely helpful, and others that went in so many vague and misleading directions, that it was almost too easy to go down a rabbit hole of doubt and confusion if you weren’t careful.
And because of all the different messages that I was being exposed to at the time, when I first discovered those 4 simple yet profound little words, I had to mentally process it through the lens of a whole bunch of different points of view at the same time, and so I had to find a way to successfully navigate more than one explanation of what the law of attraction really was. AND what it really wasn’t.
And, as luck would have it, as with most of the things I was learning back then that actually ended up having any true weight to them, that statement that the universe loves speed -- in many ways was a literal explanation of how reality around me actually worked. It was that important.
So what did it mean exactly? Well, the trick of it was that to really get what it actually meant, you had to first understand the true intent of the universe to begin with.
And that intent is simple. The universe wants to expand. It wants to grow. It wants to be more. Always.
And just as food and water serve as your fuel on this physical three-dimensional reality, it’s a reasonably fair statement to say that your wants and desires serve as a special kind of fuel for the universe. A simple way of explaining it is that the Universe expands itself by instantly identifying every thought that you and everyone else has -- And it sort of uses those thoughts as a blueprint for how it’s going to paint the ever expanding canvas that is reality -- some of it on levels that are way beyond your physical senses -- across multiple dimensions and endless possibilities -- some of which is then able to reflect back at a frequency that you can experience with your senses in your time and space reality.
If you want to know why it works like this exactly, I’m not the one to ask. I couldn’t really tell you for sure. Then again, I also couldn’t explain off the top of my head the exact science behind why lifting weights results in bigger muscles. All I know is that it works every single time.
And that’s all we really care about here, don’t we. We care about what works. Too much of anything else is only a distraction, and is therefore also entirely pointless if we’re not getting what we want anyway, right?
So let’s not worry about the why right now. Let’s just understand that when you have wants and desires, they serve as inspirational fuel that the Universe instantly uses to create and expand at an energetic level that, for the time being at least, is slightly out of sync with your current vibrational frequency, which is why you don’t get instant results.
Here’s the thing, though. Once you want a mansion, you want a mansion. And for the most part, until you get that mansion, you’re not really going to want too much else in that area of your life. Maybe you’ll want a few added elements here and there, but in order for you to TRULY be bold enough to want more than just that -- we’re talking something brand new for the Universe to expand and create into -- like a way bigger mansion or a way bigger estate or even your own private island -- you’re first going to have to experience and enjoy the actual physical manifestation of that first mansion that you wanted to begin with. Or that simple 3-bedroom house. Or that luxury apartment. Or whatever kind of roof over your head that you were looking for.
In other words, through any temporary misalignment with anything at all that you still want in your life right now -- you’re offering less fuel for the universe to use than you would have offered if you actually got what you wanted and could then easily want more from that new level of materialization.
So getting back to the mansion example here for a second -- you already did the universe a huge favor by wanting that mansion in the first place. Or that boyfriend. Or that girlfriend. Or that promotion. Or that raise. Or that new car or whatever.
But if we’re really looking at this situation as clearly as we really can, you’d also be doing the universe an even bigger favor by wanting even more after that.
The thing of it is, though, human nature usually dictates that you won’t want more until you first experientially know what it’s like to have the prior level of it. In other words, you’re not really going to want $10 million dollars in your business until you get a million first. And you if you somehow started with a desire for 10 million rather than just a million -- well, you still didn’t desire 100 million yet. Or 500 million. Or a billion.
There’s some level you haven’t wished for because you haven’t manifested the level before it. This goes for money, health, relationships, happiness, success, career, business, material possessions, life experiences, and whatever else you might think of.
So where I’m really going with this here is that not only is it in your best interests to get what you want, so that you can then want more and then get that, and then want even more, and get that as well, and so on.
But it’s also in the Universe’s best interest as well for you to get what you want -- for the same reason that you then want more so that you then get more so that you can then want even more and so on -- inspiring the universe at every turn to expand and create and become more and more in the process.
In other words, when you get what you want, everyone wins. So just in case you might have been under some insane impression that the world is against you in any way, or that there’s some invisible force intentionally or maliciously holding you back somehow, that’s actually only a lie and an illusion resulting from your misunderstanding of any roadblocks you might have encountered in your life -- which were only really meant to briefly ramp up your desires as you moved past them rather than becoming an apparently insurmountable challenge for you instead -- which only became a big deal because your focus trumps everything else, so your focusing too much on the hurdle is actually what made it grow bigger than it should have grown to begin with.
Ultimately, you were never intended to hold onto any limiting points of view so tightly without realizing it. It just sort of worked out that way. Because human nature is a funny thing, and free will is unpredictable. And sometimes things don’t just go as planned.
But let’s not be mistaken here. The universe is not against you. It’s in your corner more than you’ll ever realize. Because when you win, it wins. When you’re happy, it’s happy. When you grow and expand, it enjoys that growth and expansion through you on exponential levels that would amaze you if you even experienced them partially.
Really, in truth, the Universe is BEGGING you to be happy. It desperately wants you to enjoy your life and have what you want -- because again, when you do - you end up wanting more AND becoming more confident in your potential to actually get it, and then the Universe gets to expand.
Think of it like this. Imagine that your entire source of oxygen came from only one tree in the whole world. And in order to get the oxygen out from it, you had to give it c02 first. If it was just you and the tree - how much do you think you’d be begging it to take all the co2 you could possibly give it? How much would you want it to just receive from you?
THAT’S how much the universe wants you to have what you want. You are the catalyst of its expansion. It all begins with you.
And as far as the Universe is concerned, You getting what you want can’t happen quickly enough. The universe getting to grow and expand in wonderfully limitless ways can’t happen quickly enough.
It wants you to embrace your every desire. It wants you to welcome the manifestation of your every wish. It wants you to step in -- to lean into that new preferred reality that’s JUST out of sync right now with your current vibrational frequency, but still all within your reach.
And when you finally realize this, all of a sudden, you begin to recognize changes in your life as signs that what you want is not only just about here, but that it’s calling to you as well, and it really does want you just as badly, if not more.
If you’re thinking about leaving an unfulfilling job, of course it’s possible that people and circumstances might come out of nowhere to make your time there even more difficult to tolerate. That doesn’t mean you have to endure whatever negative experiences are happening there.
You can just as easily settle things down to the point where things are okay at that job until you finally decide to leave it. But when a colleague suddenly tries to take you spot in the pecking order, or your boss yells at you for no reason at all, or the department that you were hoping to get into hired someone else -- these were examples of the universe knowing that you want something more, having it on the way for you, and trying to nudge you forward in the process just a little more to see if you’re really ready to make that jump. If you’re not, that’s okay, and the universe will take care of you at that job still. But if you are ready, of course the universe is going to get things moving -- whether they seem good or bad on the surface or not -- because it wants you out of there and onto the next thing -- the thing that you actually want -- quickly.
Because the sooner you’re in the new preferred scenario, the sooner you can then ask for even more from a place of way more abundance and confidence and ease and joy .
This goes for relationships. This goes for friendships. This goes for a lot of important parts in your life.
And I don’t mean a new relationship necessarily. It could simply be a deeper and more fulfilling growth of the one that you’re already in.
So I’m often asked how I spot when the Universe is handing me opportunities and what I do about them.
Well, it’s actually simpler and easier than you think, but it does require an important step on your part, which I’ll tell you in a minute.
But to answer that initial question first, I don’t really have to spot when the Universe is handing me opportunities, because it always is. When a stranger smiles at you from across the room, that’s an opportunity. You don’t have to move on it -- and they might not even be the one for you -- they might simply just be a sign that you’re appealing so that you have more confidence when the right one is in front of you.
And when you’re given more work at your job, one way of looking at it might that it seems unfair, buy another way of seeing it might be as an opportunity to learn more, to look better to your boss, or to even get a deeper feel for the work and help you decide if this really is the right job for you or not. Who knows where it could lead.Years back, I was offered a promotion because I emailed my boss a question over the weekend, and he realized I was putting in extra hours. The job wasn’t right for me. And the promotion wasn’t the work that I wanted. And I quit less than a month later. But that’s okay. Positive feedback is positive feedback. And it actually indirectly led me to something WAY better. It was the catalyst for a way better life.
This brings us to the initial step that’s required on your part in order for all of this to really work as much as possible -- and that step that you have to be open to it all. You have to keep your eyes open for opportunities. Every day. You have to be willing to look at seemingly innocuous events as something more.
This isn’t a trick you’re playing on yourself, by the way. This isn’t a lie that you’re telling. Its you taking a step up and looking more deeply at a world around you that was always here and always inviting you to be more, do more, and have more than you were ever told was really possible.
Here’s the cool part -- I never have to move on any opportunity if I don’t want to for any reason. Because the Universe will just give me another one that looks and feels a little different soon after. Especially when I’m willing to keep my eyes open for it. And then when I get another one, I don’t need to take that new one either. I’ll just get another sent to me after that. Because the universe loves speed. And it’s going to keep throwing me these pitches over and over, eagerly waiting for me to knock one out of the park, or at least get on base. It’s going to keep inviting me to level up my life. It’s going to keep clearing the path for me to take a much bigger step. It simply can’t wait for me to start succeeding in whatever I want
It’s going to keep giving me second chances. They’ll never run out. They might not be in the same or with the same person or in the same situation, but they’ll be there. One way or another.
Here’s the thing though -- at some point, I’m going to have to choose one of those opportunities. Because the universe is never going to force you into something if you don’t really want it. The universe will always only going to show you the door. But It’s still on you to actually be the one to walk though it. And if you never do, you’re wasting your life, which is such a sad and pointless thing to do.
So you definitely want to swing the bat on one of those pitches the universe sends you sooner or later. And once you do, you’ll quickly have yet another opportunity. It might seem like a bigger step. It might seem like a smaller one. Either way, it actually is progress
Just make sure to enjoy yourself along the way.
This brings us to a really important question. How do you get the Universe to throw you the kinds of pitches that actually really want?
That’s where the law of attraction comes in. And that’s where all those manifestation methods that I like to teach you come in as well.
You can be the one to decide what those pitches really are like because you can use the methods to adjust your vibrational frequency and broadcast an energetic signal that matches all those things that you want the most.
But here’s the best part that most people don’t ever really think about. Because the Universe loves speed so much, it likes to generate momentum in energy of what you want so that you can attract better things in more enjoyable ways and at faster speeds.
The only reason most people don’t get to enjoy this momentum is because our bodies usually are not in a state where we can detect it happening, and that’s why we often ignore those opportunities that are right in front of, or we view some of those opportunities as obstacles to be endured, or we quit using the methods before the thing that we want finishes materializing into our physical reality, even though it’s there energetically and begin pulled into our physical reality the moment we want it in the first place.
The key to getting more of what you want is therefore in seizing any and all opportunities in front of you. Especially if some of the steps seem too big or too small. They’re bigger or smaller for a reason that you’ll only discover if you take them and see how the universe brilliantly connected that step to what you desire the most.
So you have a choice. You can either take me at my word, do the manifestation methods that you already know for just five minutes a day or more, invite the universe to give you way more way faster, start embracing the opportunities that are put in front of you each and every day, and find yourself blasting forward into everything you’ve ever wanted for so long.
Or you can disregard everything I’ve just told you and keep your current situation exactly the way it already is.
The beauty of trying it my way is that you have everything to gain and nothing to lose. And once you accept and embrace the notion that the universe loves speed, and that it wants you to have way more of what you want, in a way better version of it, and in way less time than you thought it might take -- everything in your world will change for the better. And it’ll change FAST.
So go ahead and give my little theory here a try, see for yourself, and enjoy.
Grateful for you,
“The Universe Loves Speed.”
I’ll tell you, I actually heard that statement a long, long time ago. And at first I didn’t really understand what it truly meant. At the time, I was just starting my journey to learn about the law of attraction, and how the universe around me really worked.
I was reading tons of books about it, and I was finding countless articles online, and I was spending a lot of time scouring through endless videos, some of which were genuinely helpful, and others that went in so many vague and misleading directions, that it was almost too easy to go down a rabbit hole of doubt and confusion if you weren’t careful.
And because of all the different messages that I was being exposed to at the time, when I first discovered those 4 simple yet profound little words, I had to mentally process it through the lens of a whole bunch of different points of view at the same time, and so I had to find a way to successfully navigate more than one explanation of what the law of attraction really was. AND what it really wasn’t.
And, as luck would have it, as with most of the things I was learning back then that actually ended up having any true weight to them, that statement that the universe loves speed -- in many ways was a literal explanation of how reality around me actually worked. It was that important.
So what did it mean exactly? Well, the trick of it was that to really get what it actually meant, you had to first understand the true intent of the universe to begin with.
And that intent is simple. The universe wants to expand. It wants to grow. It wants to be more. Always.
And just as food and water serve as your fuel on this physical three-dimensional reality, it’s a reasonably fair statement to say that your wants and desires serve as a special kind of fuel for the universe. A simple way of explaining it is that the Universe expands itself by instantly identifying every thought that you and everyone else has -- And it sort of uses those thoughts as a blueprint for how it’s going to paint the ever expanding canvas that is reality -- some of it on levels that are way beyond your physical senses -- across multiple dimensions and endless possibilities -- some of which is then able to reflect back at a frequency that you can experience with your senses in your time and space reality.
If you want to know why it works like this exactly, I’m not the one to ask. I couldn’t really tell you for sure. Then again, I also couldn’t explain off the top of my head the exact science behind why lifting weights results in bigger muscles. All I know is that it works every single time.
And that’s all we really care about here, don’t we. We care about what works. Too much of anything else is only a distraction, and is therefore also entirely pointless if we’re not getting what we want anyway, right?
So let’s not worry about the why right now. Let’s just understand that when you have wants and desires, they serve as inspirational fuel that the Universe instantly uses to create and expand at an energetic level that, for the time being at least, is slightly out of sync with your current vibrational frequency, which is why you don’t get instant results.
Here’s the thing, though. Once you want a mansion, you want a mansion. And for the most part, until you get that mansion, you’re not really going to want too much else in that area of your life. Maybe you’ll want a few added elements here and there, but in order for you to TRULY be bold enough to want more than just that -- we’re talking something brand new for the Universe to expand and create into -- like a way bigger mansion or a way bigger estate or even your own private island -- you’re first going to have to experience and enjoy the actual physical manifestation of that first mansion that you wanted to begin with. Or that simple 3-bedroom house. Or that luxury apartment. Or whatever kind of roof over your head that you were looking for.
In other words, through any temporary misalignment with anything at all that you still want in your life right now -- you’re offering less fuel for the universe to use than you would have offered if you actually got what you wanted and could then easily want more from that new level of materialization.
So getting back to the mansion example here for a second -- you already did the universe a huge favor by wanting that mansion in the first place. Or that boyfriend. Or that girlfriend. Or that promotion. Or that raise. Or that new car or whatever.
But if we’re really looking at this situation as clearly as we really can, you’d also be doing the universe an even bigger favor by wanting even more after that.
The thing of it is, though, human nature usually dictates that you won’t want more until you first experientially know what it’s like to have the prior level of it. In other words, you’re not really going to want $10 million dollars in your business until you get a million first. And you if you somehow started with a desire for 10 million rather than just a million -- well, you still didn’t desire 100 million yet. Or 500 million. Or a billion.
There’s some level you haven’t wished for because you haven’t manifested the level before it. This goes for money, health, relationships, happiness, success, career, business, material possessions, life experiences, and whatever else you might think of.
So where I’m really going with this here is that not only is it in your best interests to get what you want, so that you can then want more and then get that, and then want even more, and get that as well, and so on.
But it’s also in the Universe’s best interest as well for you to get what you want -- for the same reason that you then want more so that you then get more so that you can then want even more and so on -- inspiring the universe at every turn to expand and create and become more and more in the process.
In other words, when you get what you want, everyone wins. So just in case you might have been under some insane impression that the world is against you in any way, or that there’s some invisible force intentionally or maliciously holding you back somehow, that’s actually only a lie and an illusion resulting from your misunderstanding of any roadblocks you might have encountered in your life -- which were only really meant to briefly ramp up your desires as you moved past them rather than becoming an apparently insurmountable challenge for you instead -- which only became a big deal because your focus trumps everything else, so your focusing too much on the hurdle is actually what made it grow bigger than it should have grown to begin with.
Ultimately, you were never intended to hold onto any limiting points of view so tightly without realizing it. It just sort of worked out that way. Because human nature is a funny thing, and free will is unpredictable. And sometimes things don’t just go as planned.
But let’s not be mistaken here. The universe is not against you. It’s in your corner more than you’ll ever realize. Because when you win, it wins. When you’re happy, it’s happy. When you grow and expand, it enjoys that growth and expansion through you on exponential levels that would amaze you if you even experienced them partially.
Really, in truth, the Universe is BEGGING you to be happy. It desperately wants you to enjoy your life and have what you want -- because again, when you do - you end up wanting more AND becoming more confident in your potential to actually get it, and then the Universe gets to expand.
Think of it like this. Imagine that your entire source of oxygen came from only one tree in the whole world. And in order to get the oxygen out from it, you had to give it c02 first. If it was just you and the tree - how much do you think you’d be begging it to take all the co2 you could possibly give it? How much would you want it to just receive from you?
THAT’S how much the universe wants you to have what you want. You are the catalyst of its expansion. It all begins with you.
And as far as the Universe is concerned, You getting what you want can’t happen quickly enough. The universe getting to grow and expand in wonderfully limitless ways can’t happen quickly enough.
It wants you to embrace your every desire. It wants you to welcome the manifestation of your every wish. It wants you to step in -- to lean into that new preferred reality that’s JUST out of sync right now with your current vibrational frequency, but still all within your reach.
And when you finally realize this, all of a sudden, you begin to recognize changes in your life as signs that what you want is not only just about here, but that it’s calling to you as well, and it really does want you just as badly, if not more.
If you’re thinking about leaving an unfulfilling job, of course it’s possible that people and circumstances might come out of nowhere to make your time there even more difficult to tolerate. That doesn’t mean you have to endure whatever negative experiences are happening there.
You can just as easily settle things down to the point where things are okay at that job until you finally decide to leave it. But when a colleague suddenly tries to take you spot in the pecking order, or your boss yells at you for no reason at all, or the department that you were hoping to get into hired someone else -- these were examples of the universe knowing that you want something more, having it on the way for you, and trying to nudge you forward in the process just a little more to see if you’re really ready to make that jump. If you’re not, that’s okay, and the universe will take care of you at that job still. But if you are ready, of course the universe is going to get things moving -- whether they seem good or bad on the surface or not -- because it wants you out of there and onto the next thing -- the thing that you actually want -- quickly.
Because the sooner you’re in the new preferred scenario, the sooner you can then ask for even more from a place of way more abundance and confidence and ease and joy .
This goes for relationships. This goes for friendships. This goes for a lot of important parts in your life.
And I don’t mean a new relationship necessarily. It could simply be a deeper and more fulfilling growth of the one that you’re already in.
So I’m often asked how I spot when the Universe is handing me opportunities and what I do about them.
Well, it’s actually simpler and easier than you think, but it does require an important step on your part, which I’ll tell you in a minute.
But to answer that initial question first, I don’t really have to spot when the Universe is handing me opportunities, because it always is. When a stranger smiles at you from across the room, that’s an opportunity. You don’t have to move on it -- and they might not even be the one for you -- they might simply just be a sign that you’re appealing so that you have more confidence when the right one is in front of you.
And when you’re given more work at your job, one way of looking at it might that it seems unfair, buy another way of seeing it might be as an opportunity to learn more, to look better to your boss, or to even get a deeper feel for the work and help you decide if this really is the right job for you or not. Who knows where it could lead.Years back, I was offered a promotion because I emailed my boss a question over the weekend, and he realized I was putting in extra hours. The job wasn’t right for me. And the promotion wasn’t the work that I wanted. And I quit less than a month later. But that’s okay. Positive feedback is positive feedback. And it actually indirectly led me to something WAY better. It was the catalyst for a way better life.
This brings us to the initial step that’s required on your part in order for all of this to really work as much as possible -- and that step that you have to be open to it all. You have to keep your eyes open for opportunities. Every day. You have to be willing to look at seemingly innocuous events as something more.
This isn’t a trick you’re playing on yourself, by the way. This isn’t a lie that you’re telling. Its you taking a step up and looking more deeply at a world around you that was always here and always inviting you to be more, do more, and have more than you were ever told was really possible.
Here’s the cool part -- I never have to move on any opportunity if I don’t want to for any reason. Because the Universe will just give me another one that looks and feels a little different soon after. Especially when I’m willing to keep my eyes open for it. And then when I get another one, I don’t need to take that new one either. I’ll just get another sent to me after that. Because the universe loves speed. And it’s going to keep throwing me these pitches over and over, eagerly waiting for me to knock one out of the park, or at least get on base. It’s going to keep inviting me to level up my life. It’s going to keep clearing the path for me to take a much bigger step. It simply can’t wait for me to start succeeding in whatever I want
It’s going to keep giving me second chances. They’ll never run out. They might not be in the same or with the same person or in the same situation, but they’ll be there. One way or another.
Here’s the thing though -- at some point, I’m going to have to choose one of those opportunities. Because the universe is never going to force you into something if you don’t really want it. The universe will always only going to show you the door. But It’s still on you to actually be the one to walk though it. And if you never do, you’re wasting your life, which is such a sad and pointless thing to do.
So you definitely want to swing the bat on one of those pitches the universe sends you sooner or later. And once you do, you’ll quickly have yet another opportunity. It might seem like a bigger step. It might seem like a smaller one. Either way, it actually is progress
Just make sure to enjoy yourself along the way.
This brings us to a really important question. How do you get the Universe to throw you the kinds of pitches that actually really want?
That’s where the law of attraction comes in. And that’s where all those manifestation methods that I like to teach you come in as well.
You can be the one to decide what those pitches really are like because you can use the methods to adjust your vibrational frequency and broadcast an energetic signal that matches all those things that you want the most.
But here’s the best part that most people don’t ever really think about. Because the Universe loves speed so much, it likes to generate momentum in energy of what you want so that you can attract better things in more enjoyable ways and at faster speeds.
The only reason most people don’t get to enjoy this momentum is because our bodies usually are not in a state where we can detect it happening, and that’s why we often ignore those opportunities that are right in front of, or we view some of those opportunities as obstacles to be endured, or we quit using the methods before the thing that we want finishes materializing into our physical reality, even though it’s there energetically and begin pulled into our physical reality the moment we want it in the first place.
The key to getting more of what you want is therefore in seizing any and all opportunities in front of you. Especially if some of the steps seem too big or too small. They’re bigger or smaller for a reason that you’ll only discover if you take them and see how the universe brilliantly connected that step to what you desire the most.
So you have a choice. You can either take me at my word, do the manifestation methods that you already know for just five minutes a day or more, invite the universe to give you way more way faster, start embracing the opportunities that are put in front of you each and every day, and find yourself blasting forward into everything you’ve ever wanted for so long.
Or you can disregard everything I’ve just told you and keep your current situation exactly the way it already is.
The beauty of trying it my way is that you have everything to gain and nothing to lose. And once you accept and embrace the notion that the universe loves speed, and that it wants you to have way more of what you want, in a way better version of it, and in way less time than you thought it might take -- everything in your world will change for the better. And it’ll change FAST.
So go ahead and give my little theory here a try, see for yourself, and enjoy.
Grateful for you,
Andrew Kap holds one goal above all others through his various projects: Genuine and Sustainable Impact. He often focuses on topics that many find overwhelming, and he then condenses them into actionable, more consumable content.
His latest offering, “The Last Law of Attraction Book You’ll Ever Need To Read” offers readers a never-before-seen understanding of the topic — that no other “LOA” book has ever been able to do — by going the extra mile of finally addressing WHY people who get excited about trying it still can’t manage to get in the habit of using these methods for just five minutes a day.
The book has enjoyed continued success, including thousands of 5-star rave reviews, #1 Best Seller status in multiple categories on Amazon, and a growing YouTube channel devoted to it.
Andrew is currently based in New York, where he publishes new content daily.
Andrew Kap holds one goal above all others through his various projects: Genuine and Sustainable Impact. He often focuses on topics that many find overwhelming, and he then condenses them into actionable, more consumable content.
His latest offering, “The Last Law of Attraction Book You’ll Ever Need To Read” offers readers a never-before-seen understanding of the topic — that no other “LOA” book has ever been able to do — by going the extra mile of finally addressing WHY people who get excited about trying it still can’t manage to get in the habit of using these methods for just five minutes a day.
The book has enjoyed continued success, including thousands of 5-star rave reviews, #1 Best Seller status in multiple categories on Amazon, and a growing YouTube channel devoted to it.
Andrew is currently based in New York, where he publishes new content daily.
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